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'Lair of the Missing Sock'

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Cherp returns this Halloween with the 3rd micro installment of the SOCK series!

The search for the second sock brings Cherp to a mysterious lair, starting with a twisted garden, what brain squashing dangers await?


This is a short demo (10-20 minutes?) to keep on with pixel art practice and test platformer mechanics, highly inspired by classic Castlevania and Ghouls and Ghosts from the old NES/SNES, watch those enemy patterns and strike!

Controls - Arrow keys or WASD

Z or J Jump

X or K - Attack

C or L : Shoot (blast of force which is charged when you hit enemies with your sword, when shooting, pressing UP/DOWN can aim your bullet)

This game also support GAMEPADS provided they have a D-pad of sorts.

And that's it, let me know how it goes and Happy Halloween!!1


Music by Moralo González

Update 11/01, thank you for frontpage! (:

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It looks like a 90s game, noice.

Butzbo responds:

Aah thank you! glad to read this (:

Could it be? A long awaited sequel to my favorite butzbo game? Yes yes it is! i enjoyed this game just as much as the other ones! cant wait for more!

Butzbo responds:

Woah, happy to read this! thank you very much for playing and the kind words (:

This was so much fucking fun! incredible game and decently difficult too. Can't wait to play the full version.

Butzbo responds:

Woah thank you for playing and commenting, helps pushing me towards continuing, glad you liked it! (:

very cool

this game feels like if someone dreamed about an early-90s NES game and tried to recreate it

Credits & Info

4.23 / 5.00

Oct 31, 2024
6:26 PM EDT
  • Aseprite
  • LMMS
  • BFXR
  • Construct 3