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DV: Evil Spirits Begone! (Demo)

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DV: Evil Spirits Begone! (Demo)

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Vanquish the night!
  • » Mild Violence

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*Highscores may not persist between updates*


Default Controls (Keyboard, Xbox):

Move: WASD, Left Stick

Jump: Space, X Y

Attack: Enter, B

Special: Shift, A

Pause: Tab, Pause (Menu Button)

Controls reconfigured in the pause menu!

Other Mechanics:

Hold any direction 1/4 second before an enemy's attack to perform a Parry



A small entry into my "DangerVersed" series, created in two days from WIP assets for pixel day 2025. This little game showcases some beat-em up platformer mechanics that I've been messing around with for a potential fully fleshed game.



Rufus, a traveling mercenary possessing unique red magic confronts the powerful mage, Meredith. Meredith while intrigued, puts Rufus's abilities to the test by summoning a horde of evil spirits. Survive the horde as long as you can!



OST- CoolioDudio

SFX- Shiru8bit

Enemy Design- Clockworksuit

Little guy in the background- ChiliCharm

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Hey, this is pretty neato! I love me a good beat-em-up and this delivers that experience pretty well, which surprised me because beat-em-ups can typically feel pretty clunky, but this felt very intuitive to learn, the moves are have unique purposes, the hits are satisfying, and the enemies are very diverse in their attack patterns. Felt good to beat up the enemies and style on them, like using the sliding kick to go under projectiles, and I always appreciate a game with a cool defensive mechanic: parrying those skeletons and their big swings was great!

Right now the game is a little shallow, what with the small arena you fight in, simplistic arcade goals, and the ability to just spam special techniques at will to keep enemies at bay. But it has served its purpose as a demo/showcase. It definitely has a load of potential and I'd love to see a more fleshed-out game to use these mechanics in!

Looks promising. Not the most comfortable controls (definitely prefer arrows+zxc). Also just doing slide attack left and right really allows to avoid most attacks

MarinoDev responds:

Thanks for playing!
It's possible to rebind the control bindings in the pause menu if you wanted try using arrow keys + zxc instead.

Very epic sauce!

Credits & Info

3.50 / 5.00

Jan 23, 2025
11:27 PM EST
  • Blender
  • Unity
  • Piskel