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Dee finds an abandoned stash of baby lotion and decides to throw a sock party for himself. Loretta returns home to one hell of a mess. In the end we’re just normal men!
Voice Actors:
Dee: Thomas Wellington
Loretta: Vibripple
Animated by Miqidka
This meme is in reference to We’re Just Normal Men by Hacker T. Dog.
Patreon Supporters: Kira Gbedan, Liam McKeown, Kooki Tanuki, Marcos G Guzman Jr, Talyn Angel, Christon Colebrook, Kadrick W, Chaotiplex, Joedcomp, kurtis Council, orsimplytomm, Just Nero, Bob Warren
#Memes #NormalMen #HackerTDog
I agree with this...
that animation speed was so fucking clean it made my brain implode for a second
all jokes aside this is hilarious lmao
that's not lotion man
Denizen of the gooncaves