its actually not bad, prety funny, the graphics were good, your a great artist, you just gotta put some action into it, all it is is pictures, you need some animating, i think you could be a good flash artist
keep it up
Freds back in this summers episode of Freds Eye 2 Edd's Arrival yeh it sorta sucks ass but im damn proud of it
its actually not bad, prety funny, the graphics were good, your a great artist, you just gotta put some action into it, all it is is pictures, you need some animating, i think you could be a good flash artist
keep it up
Nice One, Im not a demic I know its shit but thanks for your kind review
go fuck a goat you ass hole.
you said dont dis fred or get a bullet to the head, well some of us (Tarantulady22) would like it if you get off of ng, and stop making gay-ass cartoons with no plot. Only redarted monkys would like that piece of shit. I would like it if you killed yourself right now with the same gun you threned people with.
P.S. read top bar of you havent already.
The guy I sed that was to was a guy in my class at school so go rape your dead gran you mong
KoRn RoXXorz...
... but this flash sucks. The only real animation is the annoyingly slow text and the teardrop that ran down that dude's face. At least you aren't drawing sticks, but you should really work on developing a plot before you start making a flash. And I don't wanna hear that shit about "You can't vote, because you don't do flash" because if it weren't for viewers like myself, it would be based on dinguses voting on their own damned movies every day.
Yeah although I didnt deserve 0 an u know it I respect this more than your last one
That batting average sure is dipping! I shall keep voting zero every day. Stick it up your ass.
That batting average sure is dipping! I shall keep voting zero every day. Stick it up your ass. <------ sounds like somthin a crayon chewing mong wud say an u say my grammar is bad and jus I am aware I shorten words as its saves me time but still u vote 0 every day and i'll just leave you to think ur special
K dawg R.I.P u gangsta cos i cant wait till bailz