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Reviews for "spongetrix"

guess who?

hey tom, invest in something called an ENDING! i mean come on... as much as i love continously played back scenes (no matter how good), would it have killed you to just stop the movie, add THE END, and put a simple little replay button???? Ohh the HUMANITY!!!

anyway, i gave it a 5. see ya


...is the only clock movie i like. make more like this and i might watch the other clock movies


Interesting to say the least..


not bad i love the 3d animation. But isnt there a way you can use the real Matrix code thing like in the moveis. Cuz that would be better than your hand drawn one

Needs to be lengthened

The concept was great, but this desperately needs to be longer and not a loop. The 3D was really good and the freeze frame was great as well. However, the character needs to look more like Spongebob, and perhaps the enemy could be Patrick? Include more stuff from the Spongebob series.