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Reviews for "Home"

^^; Like it already...

00:01 --> 00:36 slow and dramatic...

WAIT!!..?!? 00:37 It speeds up, man, it takes alot to add emotion to a solo piece...add more to this and see where you get!

01:26 :O change of pace...shivers sent down my back...excellent use of both speakers!

In a way this almost sounds Irish, which it is of course...not :P.

You know, most solo playthroughs...wait! 02:21 the guitar is brought up by what almost sounds like an echo...don't care...it sounds great!...they don't normally keep the interest but this one does...oh man does it.

Very odd ending, it almost sounds like you are banging the strings in a way to get a random sound...perhaps it is a faster version of what was used in the very beginning...hmm...cool :D.

This is not a download for me, not my style...but from what I am hearing this deserves another 5/5 and a 10/10, keep them coming!


Farmin responds:

Yay :D
This is my favorite piece, super fun to play.
As for 02:21 theres actually more than one guitar playing, i think theres about 3 or so.
There all playing the same thing but i wanted that part to be the climax so it kinda needed a boost in sound. I 'spose it's not really a solo in that sense :( but there is one solid guitar track all the way through.
And the ending is a two hand tapping arrangement which is mighty fun to play.
Thanks for the reviews :D
You've made my day.


This is the skill that i love hearing, this is the very reason i look for music on this site. Be proud you have every right to be, let no one tell you otherwise.

Farmin responds:

wow thanks :D
glad you liked it so much, i really appreciate it.


Devil and cosmos are the only guys Ive seen at the top of the reviews... Well, I'm here too now. Good song, great guitar play. I, for one, suck at guitar but can play the hell out of the piano.

Farmin responds:

lol yea I've noticed that too.
cheers for the review, and I'd like to hear this piano playing of yours.
how come you don't have any songs?

Pretty damn good

I personally find this song, pretty damn good I enjoy the feel of this song. And actually the slow introduction then faster paced guitar. Very nicely done.

Farmin responds:

Thanks :D
much appreciated.

Wow, amazing dude

I really like the style and chords here, could you tab this out for me, and PM or comment it to me? It's cool if you can't, I normally have a hard time taking the time to tab things out unless I've tabbed it in the first place.

Farmin responds:

Hey yeah no worries.
If you pm me your e-mail address i'd be happy to send you a pdf file.
Glad you liked it and hope you have fun learning it!