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Reviews for "A Sheet, a Quill, and the Hour"

Finally Something Good for once!

I have been reviewing music and I finally find something that desrves my 5 and 10! I love your work.

Your singing sounds a little off key but that can be easily fixed. Also you could lift it up a bit. You sound kinda half dead. like your tired or something.

But other than that, you've got musical tallent! Keep up your work and you will make something people will be proud to call...perfect!

Setu-Firestorm responds:

Actually, I am half dead and tired, so that's probably why it sounded like that. XP

Strangely, I have AutoTune which fixes vocal errors, but I still haven't gotten the full handle on it yet.

Thanks for the review. I'm glad you liked it (you'll probably be the only reviewer who will.)


So good. Simply amazing. OH my god! Singing???????? On newgrounds???????? that is fantastic. A wonderful track. the base is superb. Great work.

While the simple fact that there are vocals is impressiveadn the singing is generaly of a good standard, your voice is a bit mono tone. Almost a bit drab. Theres no punch and snap. It feels as if there is no emotion going into them. More passion in your voice would work a treat. Aside from that this is a 10 out of 10 track and you fully deserve all my 10's. Keep up the fantastic work.

Another excellently composed song.

There were a few parts in there that reminded me of Duran Duran. haha. Which is cool. Yeah, thats how old I am, dude.
Excellent job. I was hoping for some screamo, but the song didn't really warrant it. All and all...good stuff man. I just picked up auto tune...But I cant get it to do what I want. lol.
So anyways, all 5's for you, bro.\m/


nice job on this one setu;)

love it

keep rocking

see ya

i need to know

where can i email guitar hero? you guys NEED to be on there! srsly