cool concept and well executed - good job. 5 for u
cool concept and well executed - good job. 5 for u
EHHE....was work
Ur flash is good!
I dont see why pple dont like that,it was cool.i voted u a 5 cuz damn,it may not be the greatest thing,but why should i blam? I never even friggin touched a flash kit in my life!The blammers are just bastards who dont understand the pain in the ass frame-by-frame authors do for the watchers enjoyment.anyways,good game.
blood, death, GORE!!!!
wAnNa gOrE thINgS uP???? chEcK tHe GoRe sCaLe... fReAKn fUnNy....
mUsIc SuCkEd tHOuGh....
everyone here complaining about girl from Ipanema is fucking gay