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Reviews for "The Furious Fury"

Great job for a first flash!

All I can say is that if you hadn't said it was your first flash, I wouldn't have known better. It was very entertaining, very violent (Yes!) and just a very fun flash.

The music and sound quality was quite good. The animation wasn't flawless, but this is your first flash and it was pretty solid, too. I can't really complain about much; I really liked it.

The furious fury, eh? Hehe, good stuff, and make more. The quality of this flash is just exceptional for your first entry and I gave it a ten. Most peoples' first flashes are pretty bad, but this one is quite good. It's fun, worth your while... watch it folks, and vote five!

A Masterpiece!

Wow. I was blown away by the quality of this movie. The cliffhanger ending left me not only wondering what a furious fury is, but also if it will in fact be found. The music rocks, don't change a thing. The plot was amazing, and I particularly enjoyed the stick-figure ninja action scene. I am looking forward to a sequel, but perhaps it should have hawks with lasers, pirates, and robots. (just a suggestion) This magnum opus deserves a 6.3 on the Jessy scale of approval. I think that whoever this Shaun character is, he is a flash prodigy and the world should beware. (disclaimer: this is a completely unbiased review and this review has not been influenced in any way.) AWESOME!!

Very nice!

A great first submission to Newgrounds. It would be great if you made a part 2.

very well done

wow! for your first flash that's really good, the way you used your sound was very well done, the only thing i had a problem was with the main character getting lost in the back round. but other than thats its great, keep up the good work.

What is the furious fury?

Just kidding! Great animation, good attention to detail. I especially liked the tanks in the very beginning of the animation, and how their turrents spun and tracked our fearless hero.