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Reviews for "Escape From the Grave"

I feel kinda bad because I listen to your stuff but don't usually drop a review ;-; I'm sorry!

This song is incredible! So intense, so ominous! Boss phase music right here <3 <3 The instrument choice was fantastic.

Idk what else to say, great job!

LucidShadowDreamer responds:

Don't feel bad, I often do the same! I'm glad you still find the time to listen to my stuff <3

Wow, thanks for all the nice words! :O
I had a lot of fun with making this, as it's a bit different from my "usual style" (if I have one). I try to always challenge myself with the NGADM ^____^

This is dope! The parts are layered very well.

LucidShadowDreamer responds:

Why thanks, Danny!

This is very awesome! I like how you mix some swing and jazz elements in there then back to the organ then progresses into Super ghouls and ghost boss lol. Top notch

LucidShadowDreamer responds:

Thank you! I certainly tried to mix all kinds of different styles in here. I'm glad that the jazziness comes through as well ^___^

The orchestration is excellent. I noticed many types of articulations, and they all seem to fit perfectly. My favorite part of the song is the percussion, the cymbals especially; they greatly enhance the intensity of the eerie vibe. The rising piano run leading to the ending is spectacular.

LucidShadowDreamer responds:

Thank you! I had a hard time picking out the articulations for this one, so I'm glad if it paid of. I used a lot of "short" sounds, as that made the most sense, given the fast tempo, and how difficult it would be to mix if all the layers stayed in place for a long time.

I'm very happy with the cymbals myself! Instead of using an orchestral cymbal, I used a good drum kit, with many different cymbal articulations, and I placed all the hits myself.
I'm still impressed by your ear, as I think you notice individual details behind all the layers (in particular, the piano coming back in the end, a little bit a time).

suena de maravilla!!

LucidShadowDreamer responds:

Muchas gracias :)