u sux noob!!!!!! i hate this!!!!!!!!
u sux noob!!!!!! i hate this!!!!!!!!
omg never again
Cute, good for a giggle. :D
God... I'm bored... writing another review...
Your movie was nothing special, it's all been done before, the animation was kind of shotty, and, the old animation thing is getting... old(?)
Hey, atleast you tried right?
I'm goin to bed...
WildCatz Reviews
Sure Is Violent Jim Don't Submit it even if you want to but you know it is crap. You FAIL the test of WildCatz
Oh deah... I fail the WildCatzTy test? Damn - I better quit animating, submitting to NG and actually living - I'll just slit my throat now then shall I?
Oh wait, your opinion means NOTHING to me if you can't even phrase a cognative one! So I don't have to listen to you! Cool! :)...
Grow up.