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Reviews for "Aliens Amongst Us"

very, very funny

This movie wsa absolutly brilliant, it was really funny and it had gore. There was a problem with the loading though, it was very very slow and even on my 56k modem it took quite a while. Maybe next time you make movies in flash instead of AVI. A good movie... just improve the speed oh yeah by the way, cool alien animations!

nice one.

((( STRANGE )))

Spmewhat strange but it does remind me of those old silent type of movies except with music haha, and the content was strange lots of odd stuff going on, almost like david lynch movies, anyways nice work indeed...



this changed my life.

a first

this was one of the first none macromedia flash made movies
which was made in an external program and converted to swf

but it was kinda lame
some parts were funny tho

"It's big (1.6 megs)" thats basically the avg size of a flash today LOL

Again, Squierguy uses the same strange program as his earlier work to make his video. I'm not sure whether it's good or not. It looks very crude. The sound was pretty average. I liked the tune, but other than that the sound was non-existent. The idea of having old-style captions was somewhat humourous but it didn't save it. Overall average.