This is very funny nice work and the timing and pictures were funny the spider story was also a pretty rad idea!
This is very funny nice work and the timing and pictures were funny the spider story was also a pretty rad idea!
lol i was bored.
but the voice acting was kinda crappy, hold the mic farther from your face or something, funny stuff nonetheless ;)
yeah i did get a little carried away
I know what sound spiders make!
They say, "Uber )Apoamsf!"
No! They go "I've got a box!"
good job buddo! Fuggin ostrich...that'll teach it to sing loving you in a high voice! ha!! You get a three in interactivity, just for all the insiders you put in it. haha, sittin on someones door eh? sounds a bit familiar :p meh, get to work on mek! that sexy sexy thing :)
Tanya likes dem pataders...Mek is dead. he chose to shit rather than get off the pot
Great stuff
Good Flash Mek, this is money makin' gold!
That'd be nice!