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Reviews for "Ani-Dragonball (newAnime)"

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I also must re-post my original negative review that I made...oh some 5 years ago. Nearly all of this material is not this author's work. I gave this a zero before, and I will do so again for the lack of patience and the hard, devoted work which many great flash animators put into their work.

As XakiChaki stated, you can find all of this material on Flashkit.

My advice to you is not to merely say that this is not your work, but to also reference whose work this actually is. I understand materials on Flashkit are for your use, but to blatantly take them, put them together, and call it your work is plagiarism.


Looks good.But ym question is are you really gonna make a big anime??Please respawn to this.

Not bad at all...

Pretty decent animation. Not much was revealed about the plot though... I wish more could be about the story. Seeing as how this never came out, I kind of doubt it ever will. In fact you probably don't even check this site any more. Seriously, please make a follow up because what I DID see interested me. Shame it will probably never happen. Especially since it showed so much promise...

It's intresting how flash has evolved.

This was Great work back then but now not so much.


ok, maybe people had a point saying it had no relevance to dragonball z and no coherent story line, and that there were a few small errors in the art.

But people are going too far saying it was awful and saying you have a sad life. The art is Good and i didn't even know about flash until i was 16 so i'm astounded that you're already submitting movies at the age of 12. It's just you shouldn't have put dbz in the title, and i don't know about stealing ideas of virgo's mind because i haven't seen it. But if you do take ideas always ask for the permission of the artist first and state that you have used other artist's content in that review so people can't grill you.

i wasn't keen on it, but it wasn't THAT bad