That was teh awesoem! Voet fifen!
That was teh awesoem! Voet fifen!
Thank you!!!
The shiznit
That was hilarious!!! I will never get tired of Pube Muppet, viva la PUBE!!! Ol' pubey is looking better then ever by the way ;). Goddamn, that song was funny. More...Pube...I...need...more... >:o Omg what is happenening to me >:S !?
Lol, thanks! I've been getting that a lot! He does look better...
Dear Pube Muppet
(Fan Male, I mean Mail)
Dear Pube Muppet,
"Your pubic hair is pleasingly twisted with the roots of a bristlecone pine that is so precariously perched on the side of a cliff it may easily uproot and fall upon Bob Dole below. Your sweet sweet voice is like the snap of a bra strap upon a sun burnt back. Your eyes are like spheres of glue filled with shimmering ass excrutions. I relentlessly desire your custard tongue between my buttocs. Your delightful banana reminds me of a cosmonaut in high heels. Your rapping is like 100 wrinkly old men playing mumblety peg with a dildo. The flatulence of a manhole cannot compare with the wild vapours of nylon I sense in your larynx. Oh, and last but not least, Pube Muppet, as the bile slowly rises in my throat, your mere presence has a calming effect upon my rabies."
Lol, I'm sure the pube muppet loves you too... thanks for the interesting review!
hahahahahhahahaha fifen!
Long Live the Pube Muppet
Pwnage to the haters. Have I already mentioned Pube Muppet's totally awesome?
yes sir :D, thanks