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Reviews for "nash feeds on tampons"


I thought this was hillarious! reminds me of something my brother would do! and as for the people bitching about the size of the tampon it's called exageration to emphasize the way the tampon expands when it's wet DUH! anyways keep up the good work i couldnt stop laughing

*laughs at dude who was so stupid to eat tampons


* rolling on floor...

*laughing friggin ass off...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...hhihihihihihi...mwhahahahahaha hahahahah...

* dies.

fuckin good movie man, short an simple always does the trick...even in sex ;)

funny a little

yo it was a little funny but i hav seen beta than this way beta

OMG! This is classic!

I never knew a tampon would grow that big... anyway, this is funny as hell. Watch it.

jezus fukkin christ!

dude u r a god, and if i was near u like rite now, id like, tell u 2 sign my chest.