hey, go fuck urself CDLs420
u dont kno good songs u queer bag. so go stick in ur ass. Anyways, 7|-|1$ |=|_|<|<1|\| |>\/\/|\|7$
(this fuckin owns) ur on my fav list. make more, ur good, just improve graphics a bit more.
hey, go fuck urself CDLs420
u dont kno good songs u queer bag. so go stick in ur ass. Anyways, 7|-|1$ |=|_|<|<1|\| |>\/\/|\|7$
(this fuckin owns) ur on my fav list. make more, ur good, just improve graphics a bit more.
Thanks, appreciate it. And I'm thinking of making one to a Finger Eleven song.
Lol, a funny music video
Nice windows bashing, it's hilarious and true. The graphics could improve, and the first time the guy (originally on the audiance's right) pops up, he should be INFRONT of the guitar, it looks weird the way it is. And at the end, it looks like his arm just stops... or it's growing out of the guitar... good job though.
I know it's true heheh, and I finally figured out how to animate a bit better, I did alot of tweening and ran out of time at the end, semester is finishing soon and I had to be finished by then.
Great song from NOFX!!
Graphics are not so bad, continue your good job.
Thank you. I'll keep trying to make better videos.
oh... so that's y it's so slow....
it's loading windows xp, no wonder. words scrolled a lil too fast, i was trying to read them! i think u could've used some effects to make the band playing part a lil more interesting, or maybe have them do more stupid ish... whatever. not bad, i like the expressions on their faces and the lil touch at the end to replay the video, keep working on it.
Thank you, I can still fix it up a little. Might as well earn an extra credit for my last year of high school.
that was great
i can see someone likes their NOFX/Rancid
NOFX and Rancid kicks ass