Well done!
This is a very good song. It is exeptionally well assembled, as always. Whatever instruments you used; they fit beautifully with the theme. Nice work! <(^.^)>
Well done!
This is a very good song. It is exeptionally well assembled, as always. Whatever instruments you used; they fit beautifully with the theme. Nice work! <(^.^)>
Thank you gerbil234! I am glad you liked it! Thank you again for the review!
I do have to agree with Link1243, just keep it up and I'll keep on listening to every song you make on here.
I'll keep it up, as long as I can! Thank you MDragoon! I'm glad you liked it! Thanks again for the review.
A story AND an idea!
The machines took over a long time ago. It had been easy, and easier still to make humans give them weapons. Arkite Knew this, and knew how dangerous what he was doing was. He had been walking for days, away from the camp, and he knew they were following him. He finally succumbed to weariness and collapsed. He pulled off his backpack and looked out...and one of the machines rizing over the horizon shot a hole through the pack. He tried to run, but to no avail, and was gunned down instantly. A machine picked him up and carried him off. He would be fixed with cybernetic parts and forced to work as a personal slave to the machines. Another one had failed.
Sorry, that was a horrible story. Just my first one. I also had an idea for a song you could make. How about one where the blammed submissions of Newgrounds come back for revenge? That would be an interesting piece.
I love those songs! I want to see more songs like this.
very dramatic.
very good.
It sounds like some great space battle being won, but definatley a great battle.