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Reviews for "Android S Episode 1"

OMG YOU KILLED THE VEGETA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hehe,I liked the Android S design,it was Dragon Ball Z-like(Exept the pants were white).

Graphics:Was that frame by Frame?It looked.The faces could use some improvements,especially Goku's(Although I doubt he'll appear again:))

Sound:Nice Music and FX.

One word summary:Great

The-Bruce-Lee responds:

oh...you will , see goku again.

enjoyed it

original looking character, give him some tattoos or something, since he's shirtless...like the blade and red get up...his hilt on his sword needs to be longer, otherwise itd be impossible for anyone to weild it...but anyway, nice job....u just neeed to improve your art, and ull get there

The-Bruce-Lee responds:

Do you know I created dbx and I improved a lot.But I guess I need to improve more.

Ich mochte es.

it was cool


Alright, there's quite alot of room for improvement in the future episodes.

The graphics, are pretty nice, just need to smooth out some of the motions.

Style, not the most original content, but alot of stuff these days is a spin-off or a rip-off of something anyways.

Sound, nice music, just think it could've used some sound effects.

Violence, it's violent, i don't care.

Interactivity, doesn't really fit in with this, except for maybe the re-play button

and Humour, DBZ isn't supposed to be funny.

All together, add some sound effects, maybe get some good voice actors that can do there voices very well, and smooth the motions out and you got yourself a killer series. If you somehow get offended by this, whatever. I'm just trying to help.

- your friendly neighborhood psychopath ;)

The-Bruce-Lee responds:

I had voices but when I imported it to flash, it slowed down, making it sound like wierd. And its said cause The voice actor made really good voices.


Too bad you dont have any voices,but it was great anyways,awsome animation,you can draw really good dbz style flash.

The-Bruce-Lee responds:

thanks man.