That was hilarious!
But work on the sound because it sounded like he was the terminator. Im glad the Kringle went to jail.
That was hilarious!
But work on the sound because it sounded like he was the terminator. Im glad the Kringle went to jail.
too short was this, but good job!!!
couldnt of took u more of 3 hours to make
but i loved it! the grphics were way better than most and santas charges were halarious. good wook man. u should have submited it b4 xmas and i bet it would of been on the front page
Too bad he will get parole
Well drawn, with just enough humor.
Too bad he will get paroled in time for next year.
I hate Christmas and Santa!
Thanks for reminding me it is over.
Good, but needs more charges
He needs to be charged with reckless driving, because he caused Grandma to get run over by a reindeer!