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Reviews for "Hallway Of Doom"

Great flash.

It did seem pretty crappy at first but when I forced myself to keep watching. It was damn right worth it.

"Aww... how cute- Aaaaargh!"

LOL, Great flash.

good movie, good music

i thought it was a nice flash movie

Music sucks.....sound sucks.....

i hav to say just one thing, that was so stupid it was good

not as good

But the penguin thing i blew up when i seen that.......PENGUINS WILL RULE ALL!!

What would be down a hallway of doom?

I thought about this, and doom could mean numorus things. It could mean booby traps, or rooms full of great irony's that would be your end. So I found the idea of veiwing someone elses idea of doom through their eyes delicious.

Graphics: I thought they where good, I mean your doing this for free on your own time. I dont think that you have to spend tireless months to make an eye candy when its usually content that is truely the better.

Style: I thought the concept was truely innovative. I also felt the rooms where hilarious in a sense that it was truely the way a man could die, but not filled with just chainsaw maniacs but more than that.

Sound: I feel bad that you did not use your mic this time, because in my review of Geezer Battles <as with many other users> all we did was bash how terribly scratch it was. But you did use everything in perfect sync and grabbed great soundclips <the Evil Dead 2 soundclip was classic>.

Violence: There was some, the tree killing a kid, and the clown trying to kill you with a balloon knife. I dont really think there was exsessive ammounts.

Interactivity: Well I guess other than trying to figure out what each room will present, there was nothing truelly for me <the veiwer> to do.

Humor: The rooms each where funny in their own ironic way. By this I mean that each room in a sense could be a form of doom, nothing would have been noted otherwise as a dangerous thing <a dog, clown, tree, guy in a dress, and a penguin>. I also wondered if by horror you where saying that at least your not them.

Overall: I liked this film, it was pretty good <though I needed a spoon in my mouth from the lighting>. I do wonder how this came up, was it a really weird dream? Or was it something that you and some friends where just talking about and you decided to incorperate it into a film. Anyways I hope to see more films that are this out of the box.

Sephir0th responds:

It was just something that hit me suddenly, and I when I thought about it it was hilarious and I wanted to share my sense of humor with other people.
I had some help on some of the rooms but I was sure without a doubt that, that penguin was gonna be at the end holding a head and a voice was gonna say "Well isn't that cute" and the argh..
But it was just some random idea that I had to put into pictures and animation.
I realize I'm not the best at animating and I don't ever expect to be the best at this but I do enjoy sharing ideas I have with other people and they are always something that I consider hilarious and hope other people find the humor in it.
Thanks for taking your time to review this.