very nice
keep up the good work!
very nice
keep up the good work!
WOOT Thanks for the review!!!
This was quite an interesting piece of music. I was well designed except by the fact that the ending was much too sudden. Maybe if you had created something along the lines of a smooth decrescendo for a measure or two it would have made it :D Still you did a fantastic job 5/5 :D
Yeah I might make a extended vers0n later!!!!!! Thanks f0r The review
there's only 1 rond that i can say, wow.....
damm i've been searching on newgrounds for a good song to put on my MP3 and now i found it :).... Very cool song !!!! and grats for a vote score 4.27!! :D
Nicely done
For something made in 3 hours, i think this song is freaking amazing! The tempo changes nicely, and i totally disagree with devex's comment, this so didnt lack any underlying beats; its simplistic and leads to new beats that work awsome together 1 : 27- 2 : 01, maybe he should have his ears checked... or maybe buy some new speakers, cuz if theres anything to crisitize on, its the constant underlying 1 / 2 beat throughout the whole song, and the end ends kinda suddenly with no let down, but for 3 hours of work, its freaking phonominal!
that shit is the shit..
that song was thight.. off the hook yo... i loved it dawg...