I see that youre helping out alot of flash artists here. Youre doing a great job too. Keep this up i like what youre doing.
I see that youre helping out alot of flash artists here. Youre doing a great job too. Keep this up i like what youre doing.
f u
i think it was ok
so forget u all
were's #5!?
it was good tho i liked it
Oh #5 is a special episode and another flash artist (rudiger2) will be guest starring. Should be interesting.
that was pretty good. but the sound was not matchign with it at some times, maybe if you streamed the sound it woul dbe better.
So you keep on making these,theyre ok,but i still think that they are pretty pointless,oh well.You told me not too look if i didnt like them,so i cant complain.