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Reviews for "Eternal Darkness- HR Ep.1"

good job for 2nd submission

good job, make the opening when he's reading a little easier to read and that'll help

Darth-Rukifellth responds:

Makes sense being that I put a shade of red on a constantly changing background. I'll keep that in mind!

Nice job

The only complaint that I have, is that the animation was as bit too slow.

Darth-Rukifellth responds:

Mostly because of filesize. I'm trying to find a way to cut it down a bit, possibly by taking out some unneeded sound.

Fairly Good

I thought the intro section with the book was very well done. However the voice was a bit hard to understand... it sound equivalent to those Xbox Live voise masks wich are annoying.

Darth-Rukifellth responds:

Yeah, I figured as much... Course, this is my first experiment with actual voices. And I mostly slowed it down to give more dramatic-ism, if that's even a word...


dude, nicely done! main character reminds me of what would happen if shadow and that robot sonic would look like if they were fused

Darth-Rukifellth responds:

Thanks! Course, it's not a fusion. You'll have to watch more into the series to find out WHAT Metal Shadow is...

Muh hahahahaha...