Great music could use a bit better animating on the baby,but that animation adds the effect! Good work!It was awesome
Great music could use a bit better animating on the baby,but that animation adds the effect! Good work!It was awesome
thanks, I refused to tween that baby after its cells split off =^^=
That was pretty damned good..
I liked the idea. The animation was awesome. But one thing, didn't you just kill any hope for another episode? I mean, Timmy got in. He did the dirty with the egg, and now it's kid time. I can't wait to see episode two, heh. Keep up the good work!
Aha! See now this is where the comic comes in. Timmy technically died in the strip "Brush Your Teeth" ( located here ) costarring Jarrod and Nurse Cell. Apparently, Timmy or his friends have the ability to turn back time, so their adventures can always start fresh!
nice and funny
this flsh reminds me of when my girl friend is haveing her psm week lol but anyways it was a great flash and it very funny
Yes its the love we eggs... er... girls need to feel special once in a while!
i loved it
that was awesome. the idea was original, the music was great, and the animation style was so unique. i love tha wink at the end, too. keep up tha great work. this is goin in as one of my favorites.
Wow, thank you for the +fav! I'm completely flattered.
Very Nice
Cute, original, creative. I like your work, you've got a good mind. Keep up the good work, please =P