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Reviews for "Escape Part 1"

very impressive

I was very impressed cant wait to see the next one.


that was awesome man,very nice keep it up,MUST see part 2!!!!!!!


This is definitely WAY better than mine!
can you please e-mail me all of the sound effects that you used? I want to use them in my movies! If you do this I'll give all the sound credits to you! PLEASE!

This movie was fantastic.

Amazing fight scenes. Were the hell did you get those moves and techniques from ??? (That is actually a question, hoping to be answered in an authors response....) The part were he just leaves the room and he punches the guy and ertically ribbons him. Genious.

I am eagerly awaiting the sequel. This really is great work. Kudos.

P.S, If you would be so kind as to give a response, i would appreciate it.

ComaCabra responds:

I got the techniques just thinking of cool moves in my head that would look pretty neet. Then I animated a somewhat virtual interpretation of em with the characters


but the guy looks kinda weird when he runs but still that waz really cool