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Reviews for "Jesus vs Muhammad Trailer"

Take a chill pill Graf-Wichman

Dude, great cartoon. Your point is identical to my general belief.....the fact that religion is hypocritical in the way it causes so many arguments and fights. What the bible-beaters don't realize about this cartoon is that THEY are just the same as the two fighters when they oppose other religions and are willing to fight a religious war over it. Look at the crusades, they were FAR worse than anything that happened in this cartoon, and the bible-beaters and religious muslims were responsible for that. No religion is perfect....not even close....and to get into wars over who is right is stupid. Everyone should draw from other's experience....they should use other people's beliefs and knowledge as ways to expand their own range of thought...they should not use it as a source with which to get angry. And Graf-Wichmann, take a chill-pill.

ffffffffffFUCK the other guys

awww i really wanted to see fatty and cheesus kick the shit out of each other <=(


I can't people can get so fed up about cartoons like these. They get all anal and uppity, claiming you're a blasphemer or some rubbish like that. If they're so uptight about their faith, why'd they watch a cartoon that was gonna make them mad? It's like they think you're throwing this about as some sacriligious propaganda or something.

Anyways, the cartoon was really well done. I dig the caricatures you did of Jesus, Muhammad, and the two announcers. The concept is pretty unique and, not to mention, pretty ballsy. I wish the best of luck to your future endevours.


So, if God has a perfect sense of humor, that means that any unbeliever is free to mock him? And we can't be offended, because that means that we doubt that God would NOT care? What a wacked argument. If someone paints you as something you aren't, you might KNOW that you're not. But everyone else might come to view the wrong impression as the right impression, and that's why noone wants people to mock them. Funny how atheists can't stick to "making fun of themselves".

pretty funny

I AM catholic but I am the kind who can take a joke. good going. 5/5