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Reviews for "Battle for Serret Axre"

Yay! Thats what i call a battle!

the graphics are not that good, and most of the sounds (a a few more things) are from starcraft, but the duration and the very nice battle scene make my day.

Good work, but try improve the graphics.


That was a well made sci fi story. There was a lot of action, that it didn't need any dialogue. The sounds and scenes really matched up well. It's like watching a real movie. Keep up the good work.


A solid flash, it was very long and well animated with the exception of a few "glitchs" in it. When an enemy cruiser is destroyed instead of just putting black over it, fade it out. Also I would fix the white border around the backround in the begining. Other than that it was great. Nice job.

Nice music, though.

Did you rip off a Philharmonic Orchestra for this? London perhaps? Nice animation, though.


i know i dont give out too many scores higher than 7, but this movie was just awesome. it was absolutely brilliant.
good job, make more like this one if you can.
i hope you get an award or something for this one too.