very well done
nice job. The artwork is very good, and the caption made me LOL. Clever idea for a pony.
very well done
nice job. The artwork is very good, and the caption made me LOL. Clever idea for a pony.
who knew
i guess even bronies can be douchebags
the cruise pony?
oh yeah, he's famous for something, but he likes to think he's not a jerk, and acts out stuff, loves magictology, and thinks pain is weakness leaving the body through red wine.
yeah hes there, so what? wait a minute, how did he get in here? where am i? why is there water in a microphone? YOU'RE A JERK!
You could have just made all that up and STILL know more about MLP than I do :P
thanks for the 9
I do not like MLP that much
It's cool ,though I think you should've had a better coordinating of a background with the pink skin. Maybe purple? I don't know take a look at the color wheel.
Also Dream Valley is too mainstream for me.
You could have just linked to the pic but nooooo! I had search through all your art (Not an unpleasant task mind you, just tedious) to find this pony. Ok first off, top notch concept. Few things that bug me. 1) the background looks more like Grandma's wall paper rather than a hipster background. Perhaps if it was wall paper in the brony coffee shop? this leads me to 2) character weight, Normally this would be fine but the background screws with the perspective and it looks weird, even with the shadow. Just looks really off to me. 3) You copped out on the cutie mark. You could have come up with something better than a font text. Other than that really solid piece.
Thanks Bob.
You know, I have to both agree and disagree on that last point. I wanted to do a cutie mark that would have been fitting, like the ponies have, bu at the same time it was one of those "Mainstream" things that I think a hipster would avoid. But to really top it off though, I cannot leave the mark out completely since that is such a signature of the MLP universe. So I went with him only having a cutie mark "Ironically"
your right though, I could have done a much better job though