Whoa Nice
Nice Flash Game submission Boxkitten Make more I know Im going to add this to my favorates and Play this hours on end I Love NG Flash games!!! Keep em Comeing Guy! :D
Whoa Nice
Nice Flash Game submission Boxkitten Make more I know Im going to add this to my favorates and Play this hours on end I Love NG Flash games!!! Keep em Comeing Guy! :D
Wow! This game is extraodinarily amazing. Graphics were great though the game lags sometimes(just turn to low detail to stop it from lagging and it's still nice looking!). I think this would be a great addition and should make it to the front page. PROTECT THIS, NG!
Very awesome game!
Not too bad for a first
Not bad for a first game.
Nice work
I like this. It looks easy at first, but the number of targets and the randomness of the motion keeps up the challenge.