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Reviews for "The Awakening Prologue"


You summed up my incredible adventures as general of C.A.T.S alright, my only point of criticizm comes not from the movie, which is pretty damn good. but in your grammar... there's something about the phrase "slaguhtered to death" that seems a bit redundant.. but otherwise, keep on informing the public of general Joel's grand adventures!

C3LL responds:

On the grammer subject, that is not my fault, that is actually the mistake of the writer, General Kanbei...

i think u had something goin here

i actually want more. I think that you can be a great flash animator. you just need to work on flash a bit more so you get to know and understand it more and, as JackBurton said, you must compress sounds! the loading should not be anywhere near that! but keep going and creating flash, i see you getting better in the future, so keep creating! and make sure you do creat a sequel to this one. i want to see it!


pretty good, but it needs more variety

it's good, but there's gotta be more than just a still scene and somewhat pointess dialouge. not that the dialouge is pointless, but they're really just doing nothing but talking. and great choice on the muisc... i really like DaylightsEnd's work.

Not bad, but gets boring

First of all, the reason the graphics are low is because they're sprites, and not hand-drawn ones, but I'm currently making a Godzilla-type thing with King of the Monsters sprites, soooo...
There's too much talking for my tastes, so I didn't even finish it all the way. I like the action-type movies with hardly any talking or maybe some people screaming "RUUUN!" or something like that.
It would have been better if they were turning around when they were talking and maybe patrolling a little, since they didn't even know what was there. If you went into a mysterious place would you just stand there with your walkie-talkie? I wouldn't have, heheh.
It also would have been a little better if you had used Samus's different suits, for the colors, to give the guys more variety. But it was better than my first movie, Danger Avoider, which was blammed in less than 30 minutes. Nice first movie, don't let other people discourage you!

sorry but...

you seem to ba talented in making flash but i suggest you to learn working with sprites before using them because they just didn't move and please don't make music sooooooo repetitive i was about to close it without letting it finish because i was fed up with music, anyways if this gets blammed try harder on your next one =).