Uhhh... cool
Uhhh... cool
thanks i like it i have soem issues with how it came out in the end but if i ever get around to finishing the next one it will be better
it was good
of course, since it's only tha second episode, not a lot has occurred, but i do like the whole idea of the machines continuing to do what they was designed to do, long after the war is over and no one is left to tell them to do anything, keep it up, i know that it will get more intererstin as it goes along
I belive they will, i also plann to start making them longer. but anyway the next script is currently in the works
liked the graphics liked the sound really nice work make more
we plan too
Now i love random button
i liked it!
I thought it was pretty good. I liked your drawings and i loved that little attack scene before the toon started.
This looks very promising and with a little more time, you could have a top 5 piece.
Great Work!