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Reviews for "Sexy Lesbians"

...ok this was fuked

wtf its called sexy lesbians it has notin to do with that

wallpaperman responds:


Fucking Hilarious

That was funny because there were no lesbians, could have been longer make a longer funnyier one and people could watch it while they were high

wallpaperman responds:


that wass kinda funny

at first it was dumb, but after you seen it a few times it was kinda funny.

wallpaperman responds:

a few times??? HAAH!

psh! unfair...

Well, I think the main reason it got TOTW is because a bunch of horny guys who never had girlfriends came here and watched it thinking it actually had sexy lesbians in it and when they saw that it was actually Fat Piece of Shit man and a gay French Man who eats fromage, they gave it a low score (and were all like, "OMG!!!11 Th1s moovee suxxorz becuz it's do35n'7 h4ve teh l3sbi4ns in it!!!!111 OMG!!11!!")

That's my theory, at least. But that's besides the point. The movie was actually pretty good. I liked Jonny Junior, he drunk!! *hic*

wallpaperman responds:

^.^ you're right

hahaha... come on who dident think this waz porn..

great.. lol that probaly pissed off alot of young pervs and old pervs.. im just rateing flashes yes... thats why i watched this flash.. yup thats why i choosed it... SHUT UP!