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Reviews for "Zapp Brannigan Soundboard"

Nicely Done

Just, you should add a spacebar to Stop All Sounds. Well done though, I hope my ratings help :)

Chrispington responds:

Thanks buddy! I'll keep that in mind for my next soundboard.


Although this soundboard could have been a "A sexy mistake." it turns out to be something that can kill millions of Killbots with the power of greatness.

10/10 5/5

Chrispington responds:

I rest my case.

you're a mans man. you're a mans mans man

in the game of chess, you can never let your adversary see your pieces. that is so true in this case. obviously you did some museing to come up with a zapp sound board. thats useing the old noodle.

Chrispington responds:

I like your style. I find it very... erotic.

I likes it

nice board. i like the multiple pages so u can switch to random funnyness quotes... Good stuff!!

Zapp Brannigan is the reason for living

Everytime I watch futurama, I hope Zapp Brannigan is in it. He's the coolest guy on there, and now, whenever I want, I can hear "I am the man with no name, Zapp Brannigan at your service"