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Reviews for "Holy Sword"

Nice work

nice graphics but the fighting could be better i found the sword firght quite boring other than than it was good

SamurEYE responds:

i assure, next part will be a lot better :)


Great for a second flash, but some things eed to bee touched up, like when he was running alternating legs would have been nice, and the stars didn't need a very huge aura around them, just a bunch of specs would work. Can't wait for part 2!

SamurEYE responds:

yeah, i got carried away with the stars, i just likes the effect they made on the sky :)

Really nicely done manga style animation!

I like this style and i must say congratz for your second animation on newgrounds!

SamurEYE responds:

thank you! more comin up

Looks promising

Not too bad...some of the actual animations need to be a little smoother like when the ninja was running. Try to make it an actual animation more than a bunch of well drawn screen shots with basic movement. Looks very promising...but i agree with Norsk-Demon...you definitely need some better sounds. And yes, for your second movie that is quite good. Again, this looks promising, so keep it up

SamurEYE responds:

the next movie, ill try to make all frame by frame, thanks for the advice

its good for your second movie

its pretty good, one thing that really annoyied me was the sounds when he was walking in the begining and sometimes the animation was a little sluggish, but overall an ionteresting movie.

SamurEYE responds:

yeah, the sounds werecruddy, ill work on that