anyone that hates bush is alright by be. i voted you a 2 though cause movie stinks lol. but i do like the idea of bush going away.
anyone that hates bush is alright by be. i voted you a 2 though cause movie stinks lol. but i do like the idea of bush going away.
I'll answer Murk05's question for you.
One word: Everything!
good one. i loved the trasmittor on his back. plenty of camera angles showing that bastard wearing that wired shit under his blazer at talks... too fuckin bad that the administration needs to hold george's hand so he doesnt get screwed up.
Oh yeah!!!!
Bush sucks. I hate how people say "well they're both idiots." Newsflash: They're not. Bush can't be that much of an idiot if he got into office. But nobody says why Kerry is an idiot. NOBODY HAS TOLD ME! They just say "They're both idiots." No, they aren't. Kerry's plans are efficient, life saving, and smart. Kerry is not a giant douche, but Bush is a turd sandwich. Bush is a turd sandwich with a giant douche sticking out too. So, go Kerry.
Postscript: Kerry is not an idiot. You are (to people who are reading this, not make of this flash).
Postpostscript: Funny Llamas rome free in the grassy plains.
It's funny as hell reading all of the peoples' quotes who don't know why they're standing with Bush. "no kerry is the flip flopper" That's the point of this video, to show you that Bush flip-flops.
Bush is a Fascist. Kerry will achieve victory tomorrow.