== Where it all started ==
Score: 7 | SS Review #001
This is the oldest Dailytoon (that I know of) and the oldest on the official Star Syndicate account. Of course there were a few other SS flashes from other members before this, but for all intents and purposes, this appears to be the first.
Onto the review. There's 3 toons in this collab,
A little bit lacking content wise, but you got to start somewhere.
Four exploding naked Uncle Sams and a picture of Wade Fulp being flipped 10 times a second. while the Kool Aid Man's "Oh Yeah!" plays. A menu button shows up, but only after watching it for about 12 seconds. Not entertaining to say the least.
Features various frame by frame animation tests and such. It's OK even for its time
The text "KoRn is gReateR than you" set to Korn music. Regardless of what you think about Korn, you can all agree there's nothing else to this bit. Unlike Seven, the menu button ain't gonna show up
Visuals: 6/10 | Entertainment: 3/10 | Sound: 7/10 | Best Toon: Zerostar.