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Reviews for "The War on Terror"

You say it's so simple

But it's not. I agree with Mechanical in that if we let them distroy the twin towers and not retaliate. Then we are showing that we are weak. Becauase we are defending our homeland in another coutry. They brought it to us, so we are taking it to them. Also, do some more research before submitting a flash. We didn't start this war, THEY did. This isn't also Bush's war, it's our war. We we're the ones that were attack first, we we're the one's being threaten. So we are the one's that are trying to put an end to all of this. Yes I do feel sorry for the innocents of war on both sides, but in war there will always be casualties both in military and civilians.

outsiderzero responds:

yes, i'll admit that retaliation was necessary after 9/11. however, what should have been done is that we should have gone into afghanistan, grabbed bin laden, and be done with it. bush undermanned our troops in afghanistan, and when bin laden was nowhere to be found he declared saddam the enemy and we left afghanistan a mess and went straight into the current iraqi quagmire. iraq posed no threat to us or anyone else, and that's a fact (read the 9/11 commission's report).

oh geez...

If only it WAS that simple. Damn you figured it out...maybe you should be President since you have all the answers. Im sorry but how can people like you allow evil exist in this world? You dont hear of many beheadings in America these days do you? And another thing....they kill their own people over there, not just Americans. Theyve been doing that since Iraq was formed. People really need to learn history more in schools so we arent the ignorant nation we make ourselves.

outsiderzero responds:

well, if we didnt go over there in the first place we wouldnt be hearing about the nick bergs and margaret hassans that are being beheaded over there.

It's not THAT simple

You said its that simple, just stop killing. Although you had good intentions by making this, we'd have to give up a lot of foreign policy and drop our alliances with Israel and whoever else they please do make war with.
It wouldnt stop with us, if we werent there, Israel as well as the rest of the middle east would be going at it like wild dogs still, except without our involvement. That land is the issue and they, themselves also have a BIG part in the violence. Thats as far as terrorism and the middle east, as far as iraq, its sortof an added confusion. I dont agree with all of what we're doing and i don't consider myself 100% informed on the subject, and i know you were just trying to send a peaceful message, but this shit is abit more complicated than you made it out to be.

the 2 i gave you on this review is more of a visual rating.

outsiderzero responds:

ok, i'll admit i did oversimplify it. that's true, if we did drop all of our foreign policies regarding the middle east, it would involve basically ditching israel, who is our biggest ally over there. however, the main point is that the terrorists arent trying to kill us for no reason, and if we take away their reasons for wanting to kill us, they'll stop.


Personally, I'm sick of hearing about the so-called "War On Terror"
But this did have a few good points...
I think it's a good thing that we got Saddam out of Iraq, but why the hell are we still there?


first of we are not killing the iraqi ppl and were not fighting them, were fighting the terrorist thats why its called war on terror. and the kids you showed ,i bet thay are terrorists to. dose fuck heads give guns to kids and put bombs on them. if u say thets a good thing then your fucked up , i say kill the terrorists so no more ppl will have to die.And why do u hate the US and the president ,by hating the US your just letting osama acompish his goal.(he wants us to turn on ech othere u fool!do u whant him to win)