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Reviews for "A Synthetic Christmas"

I really liked the sound

I'm a Christian so obviously I have my opinion about this movie. But i'm not going to harp on you about the ignorance in this flash.

I thought the graphics were pretty cool, and what made it REALLY cool was that electronic voice. THat was fucken awsome and i'm glad you told us all how to do it because now I can try to.

Good job I just hope you can use your talents for a less devilish mannor ;)


VERY short. I ~~LOVE!~~ your other stuff but this was very short and quite boring. And how can a woman give birth to a cyborg. And if he died because of his dad then.....how could he come back in time to prevent his death.

If you are reading this viewers dont bother watching the show that is all it is about.

Jesus doens't swear, retard!

I find this very insulting. Do everyone in the world with any religion at all a favor and throw the computer with this file off a cliff. Throw yourself off too, if you like.

ChrisNosal responds:

Cyborg Jesus swears. Obviously you've never met Cyborg Jesus.

The voice was fucking sweeeet!

that was cool, the only part i didnt understand was, if he was coming back to prevent his own death, how did he live to the future and become a cyborg?

worth watching

i love the style