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Reviews for "Nut's 2 you (Edited)"

Very nice!

That was very well done, kudos on the great work! That was most amusing real quality flash, great job on the editation and all.. This is very funny I cracked up so hard! Everything flowed you obviously showed effort! Keep up the great work!!!!
Thanks for voting, jamie_mcguire!
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The opening scene

I thought the opening scene (still) was a bit long, but still a good movie.


well, i've already seen this before.. and i liked it... but yea.. i don't really see the changes that you've made to this... you do know that you can go in and re-upload your flash right? you didn't have to submit a new file like this... just click "sign in" and click "portal submissions" and edit.


Hated the graphics and the squirls but the ending was preety funny.

nice but one thing

when you go to review the movie the song continues to play and overlaps with the second song making it very annoying.