10s all around! you surely deserved it!
Wow this is quite an amazing flash, this is definatelly highscore material, as well as deserves an award! The backgrounds were amazing, it looks like you created them, so thats even more points in my book! The sound was great choosing, everything fit perfectly, and everything flowed flawlessly! You are a new flash artist, and it was a great way to make your entry on to newgrounds with this type of flash! This looks like it has the potential of being a great series, I cant wait for the next episodes, do you know a rough estimate of when the next one may be so I can check in frequently to see if it is submitted yet? Well keep up the awesome work, I gave you a ten out of ten on the overall reviewing, and a five out of five on the portal vote, I give you much credit for this being such an awesome flash and that it is your first! keep up the awesome work, I cant wait for the next episode!