This game is awesome
This game is awesome!!! Nice job on designing it. There is plenty of challenge, but overall it is a fun game.
This game is awesome
This game is awesome!!! Nice job on designing it. There is plenty of challenge, but overall it is a fun game.
Great game!
Another mind-blowing creation from Wiesi_Mausland! This was one tough shooter that reminds me of those games i wasted so many tokens on in order to beat it. Freakin' awsome!
Very hard, love it
Love it alot, I love this type of game, Mausland is the best flash game providers of current time.
Keep these games coming
10 of 10
Fricken amazing =) the best game this month
((VOTED 5))
Great game you got here maus. The graphics were incredible. THey were like 3D and stuff. So were the backgrounds. AndI just loved those explosions. The coin getting gave an extra challenge to the game and amde it funner. It was very hard though so its good you made continues. But I would much rather have infinate continues because thats how hard the game is.
EXTRA COMMENTS: LOL floating bombs just there for the takeing