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Reviews for "Space Thing 2025 V. 3"


it's always fun to play a space game... good game... i love the ship movement's response to the mouses movement. Great job man.
Your experience points gave you a voting power of 5.15 votes. Your blam and protection points gave you an additional 12% of your experience power, meaning that your total vote power was worth 5.77 votes!
You gave this entry a 5, raising its score to 2.97!

Underworlder responds:

wow thanks for the heavy hitting vote!
im glad you liked it

Cool as always.

Each version just seems to be getting better and better. I like how challenging it is with the enemies shooting back at you. The controls are easy to pick up, as well. That's always a definite plus when you're making a game. You don't fail to impress. Great job.

Underworlder responds:

woot! i am happy to please

i have fun...

I know you're up to different versions. But this seems that there's nothing changed at all (To be honest)!...

Underworlder responds:

what about enemy fire?!

a classic space shooter

nice work , i think the thing you move your ship with the mouse is better than the keyboard (more precise i think )
keep it up

Underworlder responds:

i think the mouse is the best part

Wow! that was great!

Nice job! i liked the mouse addition! It was fun and challenging! I couldnt stop playin! U are added to one of my fav authors

Underworlder responds:

woot! thanks so much!