T_T...What the HELL is wrong with you ASSES!!
I don't mean that towards everyone. I'm talking about all of the other assholes that gave this a shittie ass score! Oh,and a sirtin person who was rather very harsh towards Mr. HymanLord!..T_T He's has every right to call you an ASSHOLE!! It's his first FLASH you FUCKHEAD he clearly stated that!! >_< HymanLord don't let assholes like that discourage you!^^ I thought that this was wonderful!! Anyone who can make a cool flash about Mario is AWSOME in my book!! I high five you and Mario gives you two thums up!!^^ Rember it's people like you that make Mario look good!! So don't listen to asses like that,listen to the ones that are rooting for you!...Like me,keep up the good work! I would love to see another one!! ^o^ ^_^