funny...but not as good as his other stuff
i like your Fight Club thing the best, and this was pretty funny, but the ending didnt make too much sense...what kind of a last name is rocker...i hate hicks
funny...but not as good as his other stuff
i like your Fight Club thing the best, and this was pretty funny, but the ending didnt make too much sense...what kind of a last name is rocker...i hate hicks
Now Rocker pays for Texas and they love it........
Now when you make fun of close minded,redneck,washed up psycho's, nobody bitches.
Oh baby
I'm gonna sqiurt my gravy lol that was funny and wtf is up with tha arab and punks
I'd rather be John Malkovich...
I remember this flick from the early days of the Portal and it still cracks me up. First you have to see "Being John Malkcvich" to understand it, and 2, you have to remember back to the battery incident. It was very well done at the time and it shall stand for much longer.
Sit on a Baseball Bat Ya Hick!
Great likness in both clipz I've seen Zig. Good job. Rocker iz a BIOTCH!