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Reviews for "Moment with Shai-HULUD"



I heart you

Dude, yeah, it won't make any sense if you haven't read the book, but if you have, it's funny shit. Good job.

Pretty good

It is an ok movie needs a little work, can be improved but otherwise great

Ahkmar responds:

Thank you, kind sir, but, I only made this out of boredom while I'm working on my series (All my scripts and character models were lost in a tragic hard drive melting). So, I probably won't work on it.

That woz cool

i read dune wen i was 9 so i thought that was soo funny shai Hulud is sposed to be like 4 kilometres long lol

Come on!

Alright, I thought the joke was pretty funny. I got some water, I'm gonna get ya. But, you read the Dune series at least to Children of Dune and you would
A) make the worm way too small and
B) make fun of the God Emperor Leto II...
For shame.