That was nice....creepy too...all I'm gonna point out is the walking at the start is kinda off, and the pace was a little too slow for impatient people like myself...but it was good, especially for a somewhat-newbie at flash. Got my 5.
That was nice....creepy too...all I'm gonna point out is the walking at the start is kinda off, and the pace was a little too slow for impatient people like myself...but it was good, especially for a somewhat-newbie at flash. Got my 5.
Awesome, I'll be sure to pace my animations a little better next time. Thanks again.
OK, That was the......BEST music video iv ever seen but it so scary and sad cause my girlfriends name is jessica!!! but other than that it was awsome!! and th esong my fav!!!! not bad though im goving it ah 10 outta 10!
holy shit nice
Dam your good, how can you make something like this and say your still gettin the hang of flash. Nice job.
I think the atmosphere is the most important part,and you've done the best job there! the animation could be better but its not that important to me,so here's a 5!