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Reviews for "Gimp's discovery"

good style

Pretty cool, kinda short though.


i liked it kinda reminded me of bitey...........
good keep it up

Reminiscant of Adam Phillips' animation

It could have been longer, and the graphics could have been a little better, but it had a "Prowlies at the River"-type feel to it that is rare around here (thinks of all the blams that already happened today). I liked this movie, and my only advice is to keep improving so you can make longer ones with even better graphics.

Not bad

It caught my attention for sure. It kinda reminds me of some of the things I see monkeys do however monkeys usually don't have large blue ball land on there heads after tossing a small one in the air. I don't get it but hey random is always good in my book good work and looking forward to more animation maybe featuring Gimp looks like there is potential for a series.

You shouldn't have done that Gimp

The other people don't get it. It's supposed to be cartoony and you don't need to ask what happened up in the air, right? jeez...