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Reviews for "Brioche"


I love your style. This is another one of those flashes like "14 Billion Years of Light" that I have really enjoyed for the sole purpose that they are different. They are serious. You won't find machine guns in this piece of art. It's so random. I would also like to make the note that it's probably best viewed high on...something...


That roCKd , man !1!!! I amM fucking highh rigth now aNd youre stUFF Is trippy. Nic3.

really well done

i think that is the best piece of original animation i've seen on this site. the only place that this falls low is the drawing but that aside this was sweet. i can't see why this hasn't scored higher, this is most definately 4 grade material. i will take time to look at the other anims you have done though jetninjin, being with the star syndicate doesn't do you any favours. i look forward to your future work.

That was...

HILARIOUS! I dunno if this was supposed to be serious or waht but it made me laugh really hard. Seriously, you'll never see anything like this ever on NG


You definitly get some gigantic WTF points. What the hell were you trippin on when you made this stuff bro?