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Reviews for "jetlink"

It isn't that bad

It obviously has a lot of potential although it is slightly buggy, I would suggest you check your submission for such bugs before submission.
Other than that I liked it.


Graphics: The graphics were bad. The backgrounds looked horrible compared to the models of objects you were using. I mean, they went like terrible, but weren't all that great either.

Style: Well, it wasn't bad. I like how you tried to make a shooter game using planes and trucks and stuff. But it was too hard. It would be better if you made it eaiser and mabye different planes and stuff.

Sound: Add sound, it always makes it better.

Violence: THe explosions were bad. And that wass all the violence I saw. Mabye when you blew stuff up little people could fly from the vehicles, and little stuff like that, it's the little things that are the difference from a good game and a bad one.

Interactivity: It's a game, of course there is interactivity, unfortunentaly, all you could do was speed up, slow down, go up and down and fire missles, not too much, make it a little more complicated, it was just too simple.

Humor: This sin't the kind of game that needs humor, so don't worry about this catagorie.

Overall: Not bad, but not great. It could use some work, but this could be a fun game and even get on the Top 50 list if you just make it a little more complicated and take care of the little things.


that wasnt that good or that bad but plz plz put some sound into it!


The game is pretty average. Some things could be better, other things could be worse. Some sounds and background-music would make the game a lot better. Maybe you should add some clouds, mountains, rocks, trees and stuff like that at the background too. Overall I'll give it 6/10, not that bad, not that good either. Good luck with your next movie/game.

meydan responds:

in the orignal game there where sounds and background but i could not load them into the site because they where apart from the game itself so i have tried to put them together but it didnt workd if you can help me by telling me how i can put them togheter i would do that


i know how hard flash games can be to make and u did a good job i think..im not sure why..but i really liked this game.